2010年12月16日 星期四


Last note is  46 days ago.
life is such a farce
everyday gt the same mood
everyday hv to tink my future.
wat will hapen in my future
lost my way
is there hv any other way?
is i going to become a coward?
miss school vry much
9 days more
is Chirstmas.....
15 days more
need 2 countdown for the new year
18 days more
is the day of skul reopen
18 days more
R we going 2 study in different class?
18days more
i wan 2 go bck skul
because i miss my frenz
i dun wan 2 go bck skul
because of lazy.
because of next year is PMR!!!
because of we will be in different class.
1second can change ur life

n i found it....
my blog hv many wrong words and spelling >.<'''''

Broken english jor~~~

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